Art: Christopher Lineberry's 'Notes from Metropolis'


In ‘Notes From Metropolis’ by Christopher Lineberry (@very_lineberry), the artist uncovers information at the North Carolina State Archives about the 1957 Greensboro "Morals Trial." In the archives, Lineberry found all of the state documents "in which alleged homosexuals were outed and prosecuted, viewed as communist threats to national security." Of the 32 alleged gay defendants, 24 were charged and convicted to 5 to 20 years in prison.

The drag character was specifically depicted as Pulitzer prize-winning, fictional character Lois Lane—Clark Kent’s co-worker and Superman’s romantic interest. Lineberry states: 

“...The goal is to interrogate how these real histories from multiple times in North Carolina have resonance and dissonance within US imagination. Much of the evidence presented is a critical ‘taking stock’ of psychic and material cultural landscapes that continue to play out into the present.”

Read more and see more performance documentation on Lineberry’s website here.

Read more on the 1957 Greensboro Morals Trials here.

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